Friday, March 16, 2012

Module 2 - Chapter 5 Patterned Papers

Patterned paper using ink marks made by cardboard application.  Different widths of cardboard were cut to produce marks. Serrations were made on some edges to produce a stripy effect to emulate feathers or markings.  Lower markings were made with reinforced cardboard with the cut edge revealing the central core to produce a mottled effect.

Patterned paper using bleached markings.  Paper was painted with ink, bleach was applied with different media including cotton bud and serrated card edge.

Animal markings made by rubbing over patterned surface using pencil and charcoal.  Surfaces used include cane, brick, wood decking, cement and metal grating.  I also placed lentils on a board to create a spotted effect however this was a bit difficult to control but did produce some irregular effects.

Patterns created using glass printing, painted with emulsion paint and etched with plastic and cardboard card, round and chisel sponges and paint brush.  I really enjoyed this technique particularly the flexibility it allows in creating and changing patterns.

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