Enlarged photocopies of animal pictures showing clear patterns of markings.
Linear drawings overlaid on photographs to help observe and understand the markings.
Photocopy of owl highlighting head feathers and drawings depicting patterns of light and shade, feathers around eyes and light and dark areas of shading.
Wild bird feathers displaying a variety of patterns, texture and tonal variations. Drawing depicts stylised version of patterns with future stitching and design work in mind.
Bird feathers showing marked contrast between light and dark and varying patterns which can be translated into simple drawings and stitchery.
Enlarged pictures of various turtle shell patterns depicted in simplified line drawings provide inspiration for design and texture. Patterns incorporate geometric, symmetrical and spotted design. Texture of skin provides a balanced contrast to the geometric shell patterns.
Crocodile teeth provide inspiration for decorative effects such as clasps. Line drawing follows contour of the teeth for stylised pattern ideas. The pattern of veins in the lower jaw provide unusual designs and shapes.
Skin patterns and texture are depicted in simplified drawings to help observe and understand the tone and shape of markings.
Lizard skin texture and tone are ideal for developing stitched designs.
Pattern and texture of scales inspire geometric designs. Shapes of the body such as a hind leg leads to developing shapes and tones for further decorative design ideas.