Sample 2 - Interchange - (a work in progress) - fabric shapes based on cut and fold paper shapes from Chapter 4 were bonded on to pink and mottled moss green felt. Stamped green and red fabric and hand dyed silk were used in this sample. Another simple cross shape was then used as a template to cut from each square. These were rearranged in different squares to create an interchange effect.
Shapes were sewn into each square using two machine stitches, a zig zag and ladder stitch. Squares were joined together using a simple machine zig zag stitch.
This sample is very busy and I wanted to unify the units by incorporating some hand stitching. I am not quite sure the best way of doing this and some further experimentation is planned.
Sample 3 - Counterchange - four different squares of fabric were used for this sample. Stamped and plain fabric in cotton and rayon (also using reverse) were used for contrast of colour and texture. A simple shape from Design Sheet 3 was used to create the pattern used in this sample. Pieces were rearranged in a different order creating four squares of different configurations of the same design.
Pieces within the squares were joined with machine stitching in cross stitch using a variegated pink satin thread. Each square was then joined to the other squares using hand dyed stranded cotton in colours to match the fabrics. Beaded insertion stitch was used to joint squares together using small iridescent green hexagonal beads which tone very well with the fabrics and also provide some 'life'.
I am not sure whether further hand stitching would enhance this sample and may experiment further. I do like the solid colour areas in contrast to the busier elements of the sample however some advice about this would be welcome.